Assignment A
Q1. a) What is a set? Explain various methods to represent a set in set theory.
1b): Define the following with the help of suitable examples.
(i) Singleton Set (ii) Finite Set
(iii) Cardinality of a Set (iv) Subset of a Set
Q2. a) What is a truth table? Discuss between Tautology and Contradiction? Prepare the truth tables for the following statements and then check which the tautologies are.
(i) ((p=>q)r^-q)=>-p ii)((p=>q)^(q=>r))=>(p=>-r)
iii) (p=>q)<=>(-q=>-p)
b) Let D be the set of all divisors of n. Construct a Hasse diagram for D16 D20 D30.
Q1. Explain the Chomsky’s classification of grammar
Q2. State and Prove the Arden’s theorem for Regular Expression. Find the Regular Grammar for the following Regular Expression: a(a+b)*(ab*+ba*)b.
Q 3. Construct a Context free Grammar, G generating all integers.
Assignment C
Q 1. If R is a relation on a set A to B then